Verse Wisconsin Audio Supplement

Verse Wisconsin's print contributors were invited to send an audio file for the VW Online. Click on the title to listen to the following poets. These poems, and more, appear in Verse Wisconsin.

Judith Arcana, "All That We Do Here"

Barbara Crooker, "Blackberries"

& "Goddesses"

Karl Elder, "Air Lock"

Susan Firer, "Silly Little City I Live and Love In"

& "Weather, You Are My Husband Now"

Jim Hazard, "They Called Her Birdie"

& "Indiana Spring,1946"

Muriel Karr, "She Bargains"

Sandra Lindow, "The Long Ride"

Ellaraine Lockie, "Earthworms in My Hand "

Corey Mesler, "Why I am a Painter"

Bruce Taylor,"In Class Exercise,"

& "Our Body "

Marilyn Windau,"Pillar History"

